Luna Bronze Review: Why I’m Obsessed (and you should be too!) - Nourished With Tish | Functional Nutrition (2025)

Luna Bronze Review: Why I’m Obsessed (and you should be too!) - Nourished With Tish | Functional Nutrition (1)

It’s finally starting to feel warm outside, and I amhere for it.

2020 has been a freakin’ whirlwind, and being stuck inside watching the gloomy days go by has not been my cup of tea. But yesterday, it felt so warm, I was able to walk around my neighbourhood aimlessly (keeping my distance) and just feel the nice breeze.

Summer is around the corner.

Luna Bronze Review: Why I’m Obsessed (and you should be too!) - Nourished With Tish | Functional Nutrition (2)

So naturally, I started thinking about my tan.

Let me tell you something: I am pale, pale girl. Always have been. It doesn’t matter how long I go outside for, I don’t get any colour, I just burn. So naturally, I like to cover up and keep indoors.

And it never really bothered me, being pale. It was never something I put too much thought into it. I think because I knew I wasn’t naturally going to get a tan, and I detested the idea of covering my body with chemicals.

It wasn’t until I saw Sarah from The Bird’s Papaya talk up Luna Bronze–an all-natural self-tanner, that I first thought: ohhh, glowy skin? Who, me? Okay, okay…

What Is Luna Bronze?

Luna Bronze is a vegan, cruelty-free self-tanner that uses naturally-derived ingredients instead of the classic chemical formulations found in regular self-tanner.

My biggest concern with self-tanner was rubbing chemicals into my skin, but Luna Bronze uses a small amount of naturally-derived tanning agent, DHA, to temporarily dye the skin. It also uses jojoba oil, rosehip oil + aloe vera to nourish your skin, so it feels better than you left it. And yeah–it’s very moisturizing.

Luna Bronze Review: Why I’m Obsessed (and you should be too!) - Nourished With Tish | Functional Nutrition (3)

I started to dream more and more about this elusive, mythical tan. Could I have a summer glow for the first time in my life? But what if it came out streaky and terrible?

And then the world changed, I was stuck inside, and suddenly a self-tan seemed like the perfect pick-me-up.

And I have to tell you: this stuff isdreamy.

Getting Started

First things first, the branding is fantastic. I am asucker for good branding. Can’t help it: I’m a marketer’s dream. I love the way the bottle looks. I ordered the Heavenly Body which comes with 150ml of their Eclipse Tanning Mousse and a tanning glove, and the whole thing looked and felt so luxurious.

The self-tanner is a mousse, and the colour is..kind of gross when you pump it onto the mitt. It’s a nice poopy green. Apparently this is to give it an olive colouring on your skin, instead of the much dreaded Trump-orange. So I pumped it onto the mitt and started buffing it into my freshly washed + moisturized skin.

I love the way itdoesn’t smell. No chemical self-tanner scent here. It does have a fragrance, but it’s light and it smells nice.

Leaving It On

Once you have it fully buffed into your skin, simply put on something loose to wear around the house and leave it on for 1-6 hours.

A notes on this:

  1. I was expecting this stuff would get everywhere. It didn’t. I sat on a white (plastic) chair, rested my arms on my white desk, and nothing transferred. I didn’t risk sitting on my white bed, but the point is, you could definitely go about the rest of your day relatively worry free.
  2. The first time I did this, I only left it only for 3 hours. I wasn’t surehow tan it would get, and since I am quite literally the lightest shade of foundation you can buy, I didn’t want to look crazy. However, after rinsing it I wish I had left it on longer. The second time I wore it for 8 hours (oops), I actually loved the way it turned out (as pictured)–it was natural and bronzy, but not too over the top. So my advice is to actually go big for the first few times, and then you can reduce the time to maintain the colour.
  3. BE CAREFUL WASHING YOUR HANDS. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen for work, so I do a lot of dish washing/hand washing. It did not occur to me to think about my self-tanner. But I got it wet, so it started to run down my arms, and well, I didn’t notice. So I had little streaks. It wasn’t super noticeable once I washed it all off, but still lesson learned: save this for a weekend day when you’re not going to be have your arms elbow deep in a dish pit.

Taking It Off

When you go to take it off, simply wash it briefly under warm water. Don’t use soap or a loofah–just let it run off. It comes off quite easily. And again, I have white towels, and I was nervous to dry myself off, but nothing transferred, so it all came off.

Afterwards, moisturize your skin to lock it in, and let the colour develop over the next day. It will look FANTASTIC.


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Luna Bronze Review: Why I’m Obsessed (and you should be too!) - Nourished With Tish | Functional Nutrition (4)

Can You Put It On Your Face?

While they do have a facial mist, I didn’t order that initially (since then, I’ve placed an order for that and the gradual tanning lotion), so I did just put this on my face. Another blogger recommended putting it on a makeup brush and buffing it in, so I did that.Only do this if you’re not afraid to look crazy. It absolutely looks like you rubbed your face in dirt. I will say it rinses off nicely.

Next time I might just use the glove with a bit of moisturizer. Or wait for the gradual tanning lotion to come in and use that. But if you’re in a pinch, itdid work. Just don’t make plans to leave the house that day.

A Gift For You!

If you’re ready to make your first purchase, you can use the code TISHASGLOW15 for 15% off your first order! (This isn’t an affiliate link–meaning I don’t make a profit off of this, I just genuinely loved my experience and wanted to share it!)

Furthermore, if you live in Canada, Luna Bronze has a special treat for you! Use the code GLOWFREE for a FREE Glow Gradual Tanning Moisturizer ($42) at checkout! How cool is that?! The offer expires May 3rd 2020.

What do you think? Are you going to give Luna Bronze a try? If so, let me know how you like it, by tagging me on Instagram (@thenourishedmind)!

Also, if you haven’t already signed up for my weekly newsletter, be sure to do that to stay up to date on the latest discounts + cool offers (plus lots of self-care + nutrition tips!)

With love,

Luna Bronze Review: Why I’m Obsessed (and you should be too!) - Nourished With Tish | Functional Nutrition (5)

Luna Bronze Review: Why I’m Obsessed (and you should be too!) - Nourished With Tish | Functional Nutrition (6)

Luna Bronze Review: Why I’m Obsessed (and you should be too!) - Nourished With Tish | Functional Nutrition (2025)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 6188

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.